“La Musica en Vérité" is a music blog that was found by a belgian and a french guy who met through mutual friends while living in Medellin, Colombia. Getting to know each other, they discovered that they had a similar passion for music and that they were living the same kind of music journey since they were young.
After a few music listening sessions, they discovered a lot of great material from each other and they decided to try to find a way to share this online to increase the online music exchange's richness with others music lovers.
Where is no pretention to be music experts, we simply share our favorite tunes trying to developp the content in an interesting way. Our goal is to introduce you to interesting quality music of all gender and make you discover a fantastic artist, album and tune. We would like to provide you good tracks to better understand it and add some links to keep exploring further about it.
Discover Unexpected
and Quality Musical Content
have preferences for unexpected music discoveries: the kind of album that can make you never ending conclusions about music. “La Musica en Vérite” means and aims at this, the name mixes spanish and
french like a sweet and fine music gender mix.
There is nothing better than exchanging some treasures found randomly at the corner music shop, find out some bargains that people are selling out during the anual flee market or even saving your uncle 70’s album collection about to be thrown away…Looking for the amazing rare and beautiful album is all an excitement, we love to risk ourselves on a band and take the time to understand it, that’s where you get to hear things that you never heard before.
The important is not to get the music collection, it is the journey and the time you take to discover and enjoy it. We love that never ending sensation that there is something that exist and that we don’t know about and we decided to share those discoveries, we are also posting some great classic album you need to listen to. If you already know them, it will certainly be a reason to listen to it again.
There is nothing better than exchanging some treasures found randomly at the corner music shop, find out some bargains that people are selling out during the anual flee market or even saving your uncle 70’s album collection about to be thrown away…Looking for the amazing rare and beautiful album is all an excitement, we love to risk ourselves on a band and take the time to understand it, that’s where you get to hear things that you never heard before.
The important is not to get the music collection, it is the journey and the time you take to discover and enjoy it. We love that never ending sensation that there is something that exist and that we don’t know about and we decided to share those discoveries, we are also posting some great classic album you need to listen to. If you already know them, it will certainly be a reason to listen to it again.
We provide you here some tips to keep travelling discovering the artist or any other interesting link related to it. By following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instragram you will get a new surprise on a regular basis.
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